GINTERIOR is the versatile multi-awarded Premium Old Tom Gin Made in Trieste, FVG, which emphasizes FVG’s interiority by highlighting the quite unique quality, nature and purity of the FVG Region. GINTERIOR is the vintage soul spirit which reflects the Victorian tradition: its delicacy gets a modern key review thanks to the skillful mixing of various natural botanicals with some excellences of our territory, such as:
– the Fiumicello City’s Peaches,
– “Crambe Tataria‘s” seeds as present in the Pordenone‘s Area dry grasslands «I Magredi»,
– Marasca’s Cherry Honey of the «Karst Area»,
– the Infusion of Dandelion, typical of the Carnic Valleys.
GINTERIOR is an all generis drink: a unique blend, dry and pervasive, as an harmonious perceptive symphony of elements never combined together before.
Nose: Since the beginning, it releases a full-bodied and persistent perfume, perfectly balanced between the spicy and intense notes of juniper berries, iris, and the fruity ones of lemon and the Fiumicello’s peaches.
Palate: The heady fragrance of juniper and citrus fruit emphasize the sweet and almondy taste of the Marasca’s honey and the soft and juicy flavour of the Fiumicello’s peaches, giving a great sophistication and harmony to the drink.
Final: Soft neverending, due to the bitter notes given by the Crambe Tataria and the refreshing ones brought by the infusion of Dandelion.
50cl and 10cl bottles
Fiumicello’s Peaches
Peaches are the masters of Fiumicello City, a small Bassa Friulana’s village located behind the Adriatic Sea, the Marano and Grado’s lagoon and aside the Isonzo River. They represents the true excellence in FVG in the peach cultivation field, that at the Isonzo’s Areas dates from the early 1900s and continues today with production in small and medium-sized plants; this always ensuring high quality thanks to the strict control of the supply chain and to a delayed harvest, carried out only when fully ripe. The fertility of the territory and the favorable geographical position near the sea, enhances the organoleptic qualities of the peach, always guaranteeing a juicy, fragrant and sugary pulp, as well as a thin and velvety skin. These peculiarities are blended very well in GINTERIOR, in an exciting whirl of sweety sensory notes, fresh and decise at the same time.
Every spring, the uncontaminated sunny Carnic Valleys get yellow tinted by flowering of the Dandelion (in English, Tarassaco in Italian), a plant with great healing properties, which in these parts is known as “the gold of Valcalda”. Dandelion, also called here as “Soffione” or “Lion Teeth”, derives its name from the Greek “Tarasseo”, which means “I heal”. Technically Taraxacum officinale, is a herbaceous plant grouped on the Asteraceae family, is valued by the local populations as key element for infusions, creams, jellies and syrups. This versatility led on obtaining the recognition of PAT label, so a «Traditional Agri-food Product» of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region. Dandelion excels also for its digestive and refreshing notes, faithfully proposed on our drinks.
Tatarican Colewort
The Tatarican colewort is a plant species that finds its origin and its natural habitat in the Eastern European and sub-Siberian steppes. Technically known as “Crambe Tataria”, the name originates from the union of the Greek term ‘krambe’ (cabbage/kale), and “Tatari” (or Tartars), precisely the ancient Eurasian steppes nomadic population. In Italy, these botanicals are present only in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and particularly at the Pordenone’s Area dry grasslands «I Magredi», the FVG’s steppes layed around the Cellina and Meduna’s creeks. Thanks to the great permeability of the soil, the Magredi looks like particularly dry grasslands unique at these latitudes, allowing the proliferation of a particular flora and fauna that includes various unique botanicals, including Crambe Tataria. There are several stories behind they way how it arrived in FVG: among these, we like to think that Tatarican colewort came together with the Hungarians, hanged to the hooves of their horses, during their invasions in FVG around the year 1000. A more unique than rare case of random import of a botanicals which guarantees a bittering consistency to our drinks.
(It has to be highlighted how we only use seeds of “Crambe Tataria”, purchased from selected suppliers, therefore without damaging the protected territory).
Marasca’s Cherry Honey
Marasca’s Cherry Honey is a typical specialty of the Gorizia and Triest’s Karst, where it is produced only by the nectar of the canine cherry blossoms, the Prunus Mahaleb’s ones, a species growing only on the Karst’s carbonic substrates where it has found an ideal microclimate condition and a diffusion that allows the production of high quality honey in very limited quantities. Marasca’s Cherry Honey requires a great effort for its production, since the beekeeper has to move the hives to “follow” the blooms, which stand really for a short time, since it lasts only about ten days at the beginning of April in the areas closest to the sea, while in the Hinterland, where the climate is colder, it starts a couple of weeks later. With an amber color and reddish reflections, Marasca’s Cherry Honey has a delicate aroma and an almost almondy bitter taste, which well balances the Ginterior’s structure.
The ingredients making our drinks are responsibly obtained from selected suppliers, preserving the environmental eco-sustainability.
How to
taste it
Every-season gin, GINTERIOR is the fresh, spiritual and fashion drink ideal to any occasion.
Great alone, as digestive, still on the rocks, or mixed into fresh cocktails, from the most traditionals Gin Fizz or Gin Tonic to the most modern and innovatives one.